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Paléorient 13/2, 1987.

Vandiver P. B., Sequential Slab Construction; A Conservative Southwest Asiatic Ceramic Tradition, ca. 7000-3000 B.C. ; Henrickson E. F., Vitali V., The Dalma Tradition : Prehistoric Inter-Regional Cultural Integration in Highland Western Iran ; Berman J. C., Ceramic Production and its Implications for the Sociopolitical Organization of the Suse Phase Susiana ; Nicholas I. M., The Function of Bevelled-Rim Bowls : A Case Study at the TUV Mound, Tal-e Malyan, Iran ; Rothman M. S., Graph Theory and the Interpretation of Regional Survey Data ; Schwartz G. M., The Ninevite V Period and the Development of Complex Society in Northern Mesopotamia ; Stein G. J., Regional Economic Integration in Early State Societies: Third Millennium B.C. Pastoral Production at Gritille, Southeast Turkey ; Wattenmaker P., Town and Village Economies in an Early State Society ; Thuesen I., Technical Analysis of Scarlet Ware Pottery from Mesopotamia ; Le Mière M., Picon M., Productions locales et circulation des céramiques au VIe millénaire, au Proche-Orient.
Référence : 571. Français
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