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39.1, 2013. The Transition Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant.

Paléorient 39.1, 2013. The Transition Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant.

La transition entre le Chalcolithique final et le Bronze ancien I dans le sud Levant fait l'objet de nombreux débats depuis plusieurs décennies. Ce volume en renouvelle les termes grâce aux matériaux archéologiques exhumés récemment ; les nouvelles données permettent dorénavant un meilleur calage chronologique et la caractérisation des dynamiques évolutives relatives aux zones d'habitat et à la culture matérielle des régions sud et limitrophes. Articles : E. Braun, V. Roux, The Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age I Transition in the Southern Levant: Determining Continuity and Discontinuity or “Mind the Gap” ; E. Braun, E.C.M. van den Brink, J. Regev, E. Boaretto, S. Bar, Aspects of Radiocarbon Determinations and the Dating of the Transition from The Chalcolithic Period to Early Bronze Age I in the Southern Levant ; E.C.M. van den Brink, A Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age I Progression at the Buchman South quarter in Modi'in – in the central piedmont (Shephela) of Israel ; V. Roux, E.C.M. van den Brink, S. Shalev, Continuity and Discontinuity in the Shephela (Israel) between the Late Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze I: The Modi'in “Deep Deposits” Ceramic assemblages as a case study ; Y. Paz, A. Nativ, Yesodot, Israel: A Case for a Post-Ghassulian Entity ; A. Golani, The Transition from the Late Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze I in Southwestern Canaan – Ashqelon as a Case for Continuity ; J. Vardi, I. Gilead, Chalcolithic – Early Bronze Age I Transition in the Southern Levant: The Lithic perspective ; U. Davidovich, The Chalcolithic – Early Bronze Age Transition: A View from the Judean Desert Caves, Southern Levant ; S. A. Rosen, Evolution in the Desert: Scale and Discontinuity in the Central Negev (Israel) in the fourth Millennium BCE ; W. Abu-Azizeh, The South-Eastern Jordan's Chalcolithic – Early Bronze Age Pastoral Nomadic Complex: Patterns of Mobility and Interaction ; U. Hartung, Some remarks on the chronological position of the Predynastic settlement at Maadi (Egypt) and its relations to the Southern Levant ; I. Milevski, The Transition from the Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant in socio-economic context.
Référence : 44423. Français
52,00 €
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