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Polemos, Le Contexte Guerrier en Egée à l'âge du Bronze, (Aegaeum 19), (Actes 7e Rencontre égénee internationale, Liège,1998), 1999, 2 vol., 511 p. -

Most scholars now believe that warfare in ancient societies can only be interpreted and understood from studying a broad range of data types. This volume covers many different aspects of warfare in the Bronze Age Aegean, with forty-nine papers grouped under headings: The general context; Minoan Crete; Mycenaean Greece; Fortifications; Religious aspects; Funerary aspects; Iconography; Sources of writing and administration; Arms and armament; The war. This book makes an important contribution to the study of ancient warfare.
Référence : 27439. Français
198,00 €
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