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Atlas of PreClassical Upper Mesopotamia (APUM), (Subartu 13), 2004, 428 p., 60 ill. coul. et 1 CD Rom. -

Due to an important number of salvage projects and rescue excavations in Northern Syria, Southern Turkey and Northern Iraq, the archaeological records documenting Upper Mesopotamia drastically increased these last decades. More than 300 regular or rescue pre-classical excavations have been registered in Upper Mesopotamia so far. This Atlas of Pre-Classical Upper Mesopotamia is the result of a systematic examination of the published evidence. More than 100 collaborators have contributed to set up an analytical repertory, summing up the available data through a standardized file. This repertory enumerates each site and reports topography, dimensions of the settlement, geographical location, data on the excavations, periods of occupation (A to Z), environmental and archaeometrical studies, material culture (72 entries), 14C samplings and bibliography. All these ancient settlements are carefully located in new 4-colour maps. This volume includes a Supplement to "The Archaeology of Upper Mesopotamia. An Analytical Bibliography for the Pre-Classical Periods" and an Analytical Repertory of Archaeological Excavations.
Référence : 27440. English
223,50 €
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