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The Language of the Goddess, Unearthing the Hidden Symbols of Western Civilization, (pref. J. Campbell), 2001, 424 p., 526 ill., br. -

In this pioneering and provocative volume, the author resurrects the world of Goddess-worshipping, earth-centred cultures, bringing ancient matriarchal society vividly to life. She interveaves comparative mythlogy, early historical sources, linguistics, ethnography and folklore to demonstrate conclusively that Goddess-worship is the root of Western civilization. Illustrated with nearly 2000 symbolic artifacts - sculptures, figurines, temple models, frescoes, vases, sacrificial containers - Gimbutas' magnum opus is at once a 'pictorial script' of the prehistoric Goddess religion and an authoritative work that takes these ancient cultures from the realm of speculation into that of documented fact.
Référence : 1716. English
46,00 €
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