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Living and working in the Roman world. Essays in honour of Michael Fulford, (Suppl. JRA 95), 2013, 239 p., 80 fig.

Living and working in the Roman world. Essays in honour of Michael Fulford, (Suppl. JRA 95), 2013, 239 p., 80 fig. -

Part 1 : Urban life in the Roman Empire : A. Clarke, J. Creighton, H. Eckardt, Introduction. M. Fulford and Roman Silchester ; N. Holbrook, Ambiguous evidence and obscured stratigraphy : interpreting the archaeology of late Roman and early post-Roman Cirencester ; W. Bowden, Townscape and identity at Caistor-by-Norwich ; H. R. Hurst, Insula excavations ; A. Wallace-Hadrill, Planning the Roman city ; grids and divergences at Pompeii and Falerii Novi / Part 2 : Landscape archaeology and the Roman-British countryside ; B. W. Cunliffe, 'For men of rank.... basilicas' : British aisled halls reconsidered ; N. Crummy, Attitudes to the hare in town and country ; S. Rippon, Farming regions in Roman Britain : "low merishe grounds" and the integration of wetland and dryland economies in the Trinovantian civitas / Part 3 : Artefarcts, economy and society : J. Timby, A French connection ? A brief review of Early Roman pottery production in southern Britain ; D. Mattingly, To south and north : Saharan trade in antiquity ; J. R. L. Allen, Three stories in Roman stone : forts, masonry styles, and mosaics ; D. P. S. Peacock, The problem of power mills in Roman Britain and beyond ; H. Eckardt, Shoe brooches in Roman Britain.
Référence : 44732. Anglais
129,00 €
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