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Living and working in the Roman world. Essays in honour of Michael Fulford, (Suppl. JRA 95), 2013, 239 p., 80 fig. -
Part 1 : Urban life in the Roman Empire : A. Clarke, J. Creighton, H. Eckardt, Introduction. M. Fulford and Roman Silchester ; N. Holbrook, Ambiguous evidence and obscured stratigraphy : interpreting the archaeology of late Roman and early post-Roman Cirencester ; W. Bowden, Townscape and identity at Caistor-by-Norwich ; H. R. Hurst, Insula excavations ; A. Wallace-Hadrill, Planning the Roman city ; grids and divergences at Pompeii and Falerii Novi / Part 2 : Landscape archaeology and the Roman-British countryside ; B. W. Cunliffe, 'For men of rank.... basilicas' : British aisled halls reconsidered ; N. Crummy, Attitudes to the hare in town and country ; S. Rippon, Farming regions in Roman Britain : "low merishe grounds" and the integration of wetland and dryland economies in the Trinovantian civitas / Part 3 : Artefarcts, economy and society : J. Timby, A French connection ? A brief review of Early Roman pottery production in southern Britain ; D. Mattingly, To south and north : Saharan trade in antiquity ; J. R. L. Allen, Three stories in Roman stone : forts, masonry styles, and mosaics ; D. P. S. Peacock, The problem of power mills in Roman Britain and beyond ; H. Eckardt, Shoe brooches in Roman Britain.
Référence : 44732.
129,00 €
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