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34/2, 2008.

Paléorient 34/2, 2008.

Dossier : TIME AND TRADITION: PROBLEMS OF CHRONOLOGY IN THE 6th-4th MILLENNIA IN THE LEVANT AND GREATER MESOPOTAMIA /TEMPS ET TRADITION : PROBLÈMES DE CHRONOLOGIE AUX 6e -4e MILLÉNAIRES DANS LE LEVANT ET EN MÉSOPOTAMIE SEPTENTRIONALE, E.B. BANNING (éd.) : MANNING S.W. Preface. Beyond Dates to Chronology: Rethinking the Neolithic-Chalcolithic Levant ; BANNING E.B. Introduction ; BOURKE S.J. The Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic Transition at Teleilat Ghassul: Context, Chronology and Culture ; GILEAD I. The Besorian: A Pre-Ghassulian Cultural Entity ; LOVELL J.L., DOLLFUS G. and KAFAFI Z. The Ceramics of the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic: Abu Hamid and the Burnished Tradition ; BANNING E.B. Wadi Rabah and Related Assemblages in the Southern Levant: Interpreting the Radiocarbon Evidence ; CAMPBELL S. Rethinking Halaf Chronologies ; BANNING E.B. Time and Tradition in the Transition from Late Neolithic to Chalcolithic: Summary and Conclusions / ARTICLES : EDWARDS Y.H. and MARTIN L. Fauna from the Natufian and PPNA Cave Site of Iraq ed-Dubb in Highland Jordan ; HOLE F. and WYLLIE C. The Oldest Depictions of Canines and a Possible Early Breed of Dog in Iran.
Référence : 38303. Français
49,00 €
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