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Early roman towns in Hispania Tarraconensis, (suppl. JRA, 62), 2006, 237 p., 120 fig. -
The Conventus Tarraconensis. The Mediterranean coast : The Greek city of Emporion and its relationship to the Roman Republican city of Empúries (X. Aquilué, P. Castanyer, M. Santos, J. Tremoleda) ; Scipionum opus and something more: an Iberian reading of the provincial capital (2nd-1st c. B.C.) (J. Ruiz de Arbulo) ; The integration of NE Iberian communities and consolidation of the urban phenomenon (J. M. Nolla i Brufau) ; Iluro, Baetulo, Iesso, and the establishment of the Roman town model in Catalunya (J. Guitart i Duran) ; From Arse to Saguntum (C. Aranegui Gascó) // The Conventus Carthaginensis : The Roman foundation of Valencia and the town in the 2nd-1st c. B.C. (A. Ribera i Lacomba) ; Carthago Nova: urbs opulentissima omnium in Hispania (S. F. Ramallo Asensio) ; Lucentum: origin and evolution of a Roman muncipium in the Sinus Ilicitanus (M. H. Olcina Domènech) ; The juridical promotion of oppida of the southeast of the Iberian peninsula: the cases of Ilici and Ilunum (L. Abad Casal) /The Balearic Islands : Pollentia and the cities of the Balearic Islands (M. Orfila, Ma E. Chávez and M. A. Cau) // The Conventus Caesaraugustanus. The Pyrenees : Labitolosa and other Roman towns on the south side of the Pyrenees (L. Chasseigne et al.) / The Lower Ebro Valley : Segeda and Rome: the historical development of a Celtiberian city-state (F. Burillo Mozota) ; The Conventus. Caesaraugustanus/Cluniensis. The interior : Conquest and Romanization in Celtiberia Ulterior: Numantia as a paradigm (A. Jimeno) ; Segobriga: caput Celtiberiae and Latin municipium (J. M. Abascal, M. Almagro Gorbea, R. Cebrián) //The Conventus Asturum : The Roman army and urban development in NW Spain: Asturica Augusta and Legio VII Gemina (A. Morillo Cerdán) // The Conventus Bracaraugustanus : Bracara Augusta: a Roman town in the Atlantic area (M. Martins) //Discussion : The Early Roman towns of Tarraconensis: a discussion (S. Keay).
Référence : 33981.
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