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Gesture in Naples and Gesture in Classical Antiquity, (trad. A. Kendon), 2001, 518 p., 41 phto. n.b., br. -
Andrea de Jorio's La mimica degli antichi investigata nel gestire napoletano was first published in Naples in 1832. It soon became famous for its descriptions and depictions of Neapolitan gestures, but it has only recently been recognized as the first ethnographic study of gesture. The annotations Adam Kendon has added to his translation make the book fully accessible to the modern reader.
Référence : 22913.
46,00 €
Dans la même époque

Les portraits romains. I. 4, Des Sévères à la Tétrarchie, (Sculptures antiques de Chiragan (Martres-Tolosane), 2024, 198 p. -
Réf : 57714.
30,00 €