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Roman pottery from excavations in Colchester, 1971-1986, (Colchester Archaeological Report, 10), 2001, volume + CD Rom.

Roman pottery from excavations in Colchester, 1971-1986, (Colchester Archaeological Report, 10), 2001, volume + CD Rom. -

The report deals with the Roman pottery from all the excavations carried out in Colchester between 1971 and 1986 by the Colchester Archaeological Trust. It is intended as a work of reference and a basis for future research into Roman pottery in Colchester. Over 5,000 pieces of pottery (excluding samian) are catalogued and illustrated according to a new classification system based on form by fabric. In the chapter on samian, over 1,250 sherds of decorated samian are described, of which about a quarter are illustrated (as rubbings). The samian chapter also includes a lengthy section on stamps. There are chapters on amphorae, mortaria, coarse and fine wares, with particular emphasis on Colchester products. The book includes an update of the original Camulodunum form series. The book concludes with a survey on pottery and supply in Colchester. The publication includes a CD ROM with an interrogatable database of site contexts and phasing, about 100 tables which support the catalogues, a contribution on graffiti.
Référence : 21923. Anglais
30,00 €
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