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Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages, (actes XXe coll. UISPP, Oct. 2022, Ankara, Turquie), 2024, 162 p. -
Thematic Session: Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages
- Evidence for roof drainage at the Early Bronze Age site of Dhaskalio, Cyclades (M. Floquet, M. J. Boyd, C. Renfrew)
- Water management at Pseira, Crete, in the Late Bronze Age (S. C. Ferrence, A. Giumlia-Mair, P. P. Betancourt)
- Los Millares – Water supply and water management of a Copper Age fortification in Andalusia (A. E. Jakowski)
- The Motilla culture: a hydraulic culture facing the challenge of the 4.2 ka cal BP climate event (L. Benítez de Lugo Enrich, M. Mejías Moreno)
- Water supply strategies in the Celtiberian Iron Age: the water strategies in the Baeturia Celtica (L. Berrocal Rangel, P. Paniego, L. Ruano)
General Session: Current Research in the Metal Ages
- Cathodoluminescence microscopy in cultural heritage: spatial characterization of pottery matrices over firing in earthen wares and stone wares (M. Emami, R. Chapoulie, M. Montazer Zohouri)
- At the mercy of the waters of the Turkish Euphrates: Tilbes Höyük and its possible performance as a regional sanctuary of a goddess during the 2nd–3rd millennia BC in northern Mesopotamia (J. Gil Fuensanta, A. Mederos Martín)
- Agia Varvara-Almyras: an Iron Age copper smelting site in Cyprus (W. Fasnacht, C. Peege)
- Arsenic at the Chrysokamino smelting site (P. P. Betancourt)
- Preliminary report on the archaeological and archaeometallurgical analysis of a Late Bronze Age hoard from Vatta-Telekoldal-dűlő (Northeast Hungary) (B. Török, P. Barkóczy, N. Kovács, E. Fejér)
- Deutschlandsberg-Hörbing and multi-period settlements at the edge of the eastern Alps – current research on the Bronze Age in western Styria (F. Mauthner, V. Vidoz)
- Typological examination of Middle and Final Bronze Age (1625–800 BC) pottery from the Eremita Cave in Borgosesia (Vercelli, Italy) (L. Shala, E. Derenne, M. Besse)
- Petrographic study of Middle and Final Bronze Age (1625–800 BC) pottery from Eremita Cave (Borgosesia, Vercelli, Italy): inferences on pottery production and exploitation of natural resources (K. Igrishta, D. Carloni, M. Besse)
- Sentier sacré avec source du site archéologique de Montagna Vecchia di Corleone (Sicile, Italie) (A. Vintaloro)
- An archaeology of gesture? Reconstructing some Iron Age fighting techniques (G. Reich)
Référence : 57632.
75,00 €
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