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Craft, industry and everyday life: leather and leatherworking, (Archaeology of York, 17/16), 2003. -

This volume presents the surviving evidence for the manufacture and use of leather artefacts at York during the Anglo-Scandinavian and medieval periods. It is based around the internationally important group of Anglo-Scandinavian leatherwork from 16-22 Coppergate. There is a summary of the excavations that produced the leather artefacts as well as a description of the nature of the individual leather-bearing deposits which attempts to identify possible workshop waste. While a general outline of the methods of shoemaking, sheath and scabbard making and the decorative techniques employed is given, the leather items themselves are described in more detail. Also included is a summary of the Anglo-Scandinavian shoe and sheath assemblages in context to the Anglo-Saxon background and contemporary material elsewhere in the British Isles, as well as similarities between York leather assemblages and those recovered throughout north-west Europe.
Référence : 30031. English
46,00 €
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