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Actes du 3e colloque international sur l'Archéologie médiévale et post-médiévale, (Bâle, 10-15 sept. 2002), 2002, 3 volumes (total de 1500 p.), nbr. ill., cartes, tables, br. -

The Medieval and Later Archaeology and its related disciplines open up new viewpoints about the development and problems of structures, which survived, or have disappeared, in all modern centres and regions of Europe. Traditional areas were characterised by cultural, economic, religious and ethnic factors. Archaeology is able to show the growth, the change or the disappearance of special zones, centres of borders. This main theme is presented in 6 sections : Cultural regions, economic areas; Innovation, Communication, Interaction; Sovereignty and Territory; Structure and Topography of the Ruling Power; Identity and Demarcation; Settlement in Inhospitable Regions. Because of the location of the conference in Basel, up-to-date résumés and new studies of the region between Stasbourg, Freiburg im Breisgau and Basel form an additional section. The final part presents new studies of medieval and later archaeology in Europe, which have less connection with the main theme of the conference. The 3 imposing volumes contain 225 papers, written by 258 authors from 21 countries.
Référence : 23377. French, English, German
279,00 €
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