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From Huts to Houses. Transformations of Ancient Societies, 2002, 461 p.

From Huts to Houses. Transformations of Ancient Societies, 2002, 461 p. -

Building typology and developmentFrom hut to citadel: the evolution of housing and settlement in prehistoric Anatolia as changing patterns of space and time. Huts vis-à-vis houses: a note on Acquarossa. Dalla capanna alla casa: riflessi nell'architettura funeraria etrusca. Putting the house in order: the development of Etruscan domestic architecture. From hut to house: problems of restoring House I on the Acropolis of San Giovenale. Le origini dell'architettura in pietra a Roma. Entwicklungsstufen in der Grundrissorganisation griechischer Wohnhäuser. Prehistoric houses on the Swedish West coast. Building typology as a means of describing the development of early village communities in the 5th–3rd centuries B.C. at Grøntoft, Western Jutland, Denmark. Farms in transition: a study of settlement patterns in eastern Norway, 300 B.C. to A.D. 1200. Longhouses and log cabins: changing building traditions in the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval period (A.D. 800–1300) in Fennoscandia. The shaping of urban landscapes in medieval Norway: concepts and considerations. Medieval civilization in Arctic earthen huts. The dynamics of development in traditional house-building: ethnohistory and dry-masonry domes.Building functionFrom huts to houses in Early Iron Age Greece. Reflections on the function of the monumental building at Luni sul Mignone. Aristocratic architectural iconography at Poggio Civitate. Living like a prince: the habitation counterpart of tombe principesche, as represented at Satricum. The functions of huts and houses with reference to the Latin settlement at Ficana. The longhouse at Veien: a 'central place' in eastern Norway dating from the Roman Iron AgeBuilding technologyNew aspects of the development of houses from the Mesolithic to the Viking period in northern Europe. L'edificio della I età del Ferro di Fidene (Roma): posizione nell'abitato, tecnica costruttiva, funzionalità in base alla distribuzione spaziale dei materiali e degli arredi. De la hutte à la maison, de Vitruve aux trois petits cochons. On Etruscan earthquakes and architecture. A tentative reconstruction of House B on the Borgo of San Giovenale. Thatched or tiled roofs from the Early Iron Age to the Archaic period in central Italy. The earliest tiles in Italy?. From huts to houses: the problem of architectural decoration. From purlins to roof-trusses: transformations in ancient building technology. Capanne moderne, tradizioni antiche. Laboratorio di architettura etrusca presso il Museo civico di AllumieriOrganization and economyArchaeozoology and habitation models: from a subsistence to a productive economy in central Italy. Non più villaggi, non ancora città: gli insediamenti dell'età del Bronzo dell'Italia sud-orientale. L'abitato protourbano di Sorgenti della Nova: dagli spazi dell'abitare all'organizzazione sociale. Evoluzione negli insediamenti capannicoli dell'Italia centrale tirrenica. Fosse e discariche come indizi di strutture sociali: alcuni esempi. The distribution of space and materials in domestic architecture in early Rome: a case study of the pre-Republican habitation levels on the Sepolcreto arcaico site at the Roman Forum. A case study of the evidence for pre-Republican habitation on the Velia hill, Rome. L'abitato costiero di Pyrgi: osservazioni sull'impianto urbanistico e sugli aspetti edilizi. From craftsman to specialist: the formation of occupations in Late Iron Age Latium. Pottery technology and the question of pre-urban and early urban transformations in southern Lazio. The impact of pottery production on the sedentarization of the Nabataeans. Dowsing and radiation lines: the state of the art and its application to the San Giovenale site.
Référence : 23005. English, French, Italian, German
147,50 €