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Paléorient 16/1, 1990.

ARTICLES : Holmes D. L., The Flint axes of Nagada, Egypt : Analysis and Assessment of a Distinctive Predynastic Tool Type ; Barthelemy De Saizieu B., Le Cimetière néolithique de Mehrgarh (Balouchistan pakistanais) : apport de l'analyse factorielle ; Kubba S., The Ubaid Period : Evidence of Architectural Planning and the Use of a Standard Unit of Measurement - the "Ubaid cubit" in Mesopotamia ; Pollock S., Political Economy as viewed from the Garbage Dump : Jemdet Nasr Occupation at the Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh ; Hojlund F., Date Honey Production in Dilmun in the mid 2nd millennium B.C. : Steps in the Technological Evolution of the Madbasa ; Braun E., Basalt Bowls of the EB1 Horizon in the Southern Levant ; Kolska Horwitz L., The Origin of Partially Digested Bones Recovered from Archaeological Contexts in Israel / NOTES CRITIQUES : Belfer-Cohen A., Rak Y., Arensburg B., Bar-Yosef O., Mousterian and Aurignacian Human Remains from Hayonim Cave, Israel ; Campana D. V., Crabtree P. J., A Note on the First Season of Excavation at the Late Natufian Site of Salibiya I, Jordan Valley ; Broman Morales V., Smith P.e.l., Gashed Clay Cones at Ganj Dareh, Iran ; Rollefson G. O., Neolithic Chipped Stone Technology at 'Ain Ghazal, Jordan : The Status of the PPNC Phase ; Huot J.-L., Vallet R., Les Habitations à salles hypostyles d'époque Obeid 0 de Tell El'Oueili.
Référence : 576. Français
30,95 €
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